DESIGN THAT FINDS BEAUTY IN PURPOSE: A traditional clip-on lenses require four hooks to securely fasten the clip to the front frame; Lineus features a notch beneath the temple, allowing a sun clip to seamlessly attach to the frame’s exposed titanium core using just two side hooks. CRAFTSMANSHIP THAT CELEBRATES THE UNSEEN: Lineus’s temples feature two pieces of acetate, connected by a titanium core; the titanium allows for flexibility and reduces tension at a critical juncture, ensuring comfort while repeating the frame’s signature cutout detail. CULTURE THAT TRANSCENDS CONVENTION: Elegant solutions to technical problems are a hallmark of DITA’s commitment to optical innovation. Lineus reduces mechanical tension through the frame through clever construction, and limits the need for users to touch the clip-on lens with their hands while affixing it to the frame.
${(function() {
let unit = 'mm';
let proportion = '1'
if (data === 'in') {
unit = 'in';
proportion = '0.03937'
const conversionParameter = (className, label, parameter, proportion) => {
const parameterValue = Number(parameter);
if (Number.isNaN(parameterValue)) {
return ''
return `
${label}: ${(parameterValue * Number(proportion)).toFixed(2)}${ unit }
${label == 'Frame width' ? `` : ''}
${label == 'Lens width' ? `` : ''}
${label == 'Bridge width' ? `` : ''}
${label == 'Lens height' ? `` : ''}
const parameters = [
{ className: 'frame-width-parameter', label: 'Frame width', value: '' },
{ className: 'lens-width-parameter', label: 'Lens width', value: '' },
{ className: 'bridge-width-parameter', label: 'Bridge width', value: '21' },
{ className: 'lens-height-parameter', label: 'Lens height', value: '' },
return => {
if (parameter.value) {
return conversionParameter(parameter.className, parameter.label, parameter.value, proportion);
return '';
${(function() {
let unit = 'mm';
let proportion = '1'
if (data === 'in') {
unit = 'in';
proportion = '0.03937'
const conversionParameter = (label, parameter, proportion) => {
const parameterValue = Number(parameter);
if (isNaN(parameterValue)) {
return '';
return `
${label}: ${(parameterValue * Number(proportion)).toFixed(2)}${unit}
return conversionParameter('Temple length', '145', proportion)
Show in inches
data === 'in' ? `
Show in mm
` : `
Show in inches