The Sunbird channels the bombast of Brigitte Bardot in a style that travels effortlessly from street to shore. The frame’s lightweight acetate lens rims are surrounded by titanium, while its nose pad and bridge are pressed from one piece of metal to provide unparalleled support.
${(function() {
let unit = 'mm';
let proportion = '1'
if (data === 'in') {
unit = 'in';
proportion = '0.03937'
const conversionParameter = (className, label, parameter, proportion) => {
const parameterValue = Number(parameter);
if (Number.isNaN(parameterValue)) {
return ''
return `
${label}: ${(parameterValue * Number(proportion)).toFixed(2)}${ unit }
${label == 'Frame width' ? `` : ''}
${label == 'Lens width' ? `` : ''}
${label == 'Bridge width' ? `` : ''}
${label == 'Lens height' ? `` : ''}
const parameters = [
{ className: 'frame-width-parameter', label: 'Frame width', value: '' },
{ className: 'lens-width-parameter', label: 'Lens width', value: '' },
{ className: 'bridge-width-parameter', label: 'Bridge width', value: '15' },
{ className: 'lens-height-parameter', label: 'Lens height', value: '' },
return => {
if (parameter.value) {
return conversionParameter(parameter.className, parameter.label, parameter.value, proportion);
return '';
${(function() {
let unit = 'mm';
let proportion = '1'
if (data === 'in') {
unit = 'in';
proportion = '0.03937'
const conversionParameter = (label, parameter, proportion) => {
const parameterValue = Number(parameter);
if (isNaN(parameterValue)) {
return '';
return `
${label}: ${(parameterValue * Number(proportion)).toFixed(2)}${unit}
return conversionParameter('Temple length', '145', proportion)
Show in inches
data === 'in' ? `
Show in mm
` : `
Show in inches